Progress on Natureland. [10.05.2008]

One of the four responses to the request for proposals (RFP) for Natureland has been asked to move on to the next level of the process.

The Council advertised the RFP process last month and recieved four responses. A working party made up of Mayor Ketty Marshall and four Councillers considered the responses and made a recommendation to proceed with one respondent.

That respondent will now submit a business plan and other more detailed information to the working party. A final recommendation will then go to the next Community Services Committee meeting to full Council on 3 July. As is standard practice with and RFP process, the recommendation will be considered in the Public Excluded section of the meeting due to its commercial sensitivity.

Council had earlier agreed that Natureland remains open to the public until the completion of the RFP rocess in early July.

The Council asked for proposals for the facility following advice from the Abel Tasman Gateway Trust which had run the Zoo since 1999 that it could no onger operate Natureland.

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